Enjoy some music while you browse the site.

This is a project I did focusing on Javascript to build a functional tic-tac-toe game.

This uses a solution to find the winner that involves thinking of each square as a binary placeholder.

You can keep pressing play again to keep playing with your friends.

Enjoy the sound made for when you win or tie.

This site can be adjusted to whatever your heart may desire

For inqueries please Email me at the contact info below


This is a project I did on building a functional pizza site.

It can take orders

It can give a history of your business

Changing the theme is a snap

This site can be adjusted to whatever your heart may desire

For inqueries please Email me at the contact info below

This is a fansite I made for my sisters

They are huge fans of this group

It was my first time using bootstrap so I asked them what they would like

This is what they asked for

This site can be adjusted to whatever your heart may desire

For inqueries please Email me at the contact info below


We love our fans!


Fan? Drop a note.

Salt Lake City, UT, US

Phone: TBA

Email: igonza36@bruinmail.slcc.edu


This Course that I took helped me get a better understanding of how web development works. Particularly on the front end. I had taken some programming classes in the past. Mostly in the Java language. When we reached the JavaScript portion of the class, I was a bit confused since I did not realize how similar yet how different the languages were. Particularly one being stricter on data types than the other. Overall I felt that I got what I came to learn out of this course.

I was a bit worried about some of the aspects like design. Mostly because I do not have the best eye for these kinds of things. What helped me were the different tools that we learned about that helped me understand things. Such as responsive web design and things like using colors that are easy on the eyes. I really enjoyed the bootstrap assignment and put in lots of time to get it right. I feel that helped me the most with a lot of my design weaknesses. I will definitely keep using and improving upon the tools that I have received from this course.